Val d’Anniviers, Switzerland


Reading Time: 11 minutes On-Piste Off-Piste Two families split up to head in opposite directions in Val d’Anniviers, Switzerland. by IAIN MACMILLAN and MAGGIE SCREATON IAIN Known for his memorable quotes, my buddy, Maggie’s […]

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Slapstick Skiing


Reading Time: 3 minutes ‘Douglas Fairbanks insisted that I be initiated into the art of skiing. I always thought it was easy, but oh, boy! I never knew how many knots I could tie […]

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Return Trip


Reading Time: 10 minutes The tiny, perfect village of Champéry—and massive Portes du Soleil region—welcomed Ski Canada on its third annual Readers’ Trip to Switzerland. By Iain MacMillan  |  Photos by Marty McLennan It’s […]

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English and Freeride Spoken Here


Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s hard to tell who’s had a bigger influence over the Swiss town of Verbier, the adoring Brits or the international BigMountain set. Story and photos by Marty McLennan It’s […]

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Group Therapy


Reading Time: 8 minutes Skiing Switzerland’s most famous peak can be surprisingly reasonable. Bringing buddies: priceless. TEXT // PHOTOS: MARTY MCLENNAN     Buyer’s Guide 2013 For more of Marty’s photos from the  Zermatt trip click here […]

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No fly zone for heli-skiers?


Reading Time: 3 minutes Recent headline news in my local newspaper read: Swiss government is considering banning helicopter skiing across the nation. It wasn’t the first time such a measure was officially considered. Back […]

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