Managing your subscription
Thanks for subscribing! You can log into your account any time and check (or update) your address, check when your subscription expires, confirm whether we’ve processed your recent renewal or invoice payment. You can also renew, pay your bill, or order gift subscriptions.
Digital subscription access for print subscribersIf you have taken advantage of our free digital offer with your new or renewal print subscription, you will have access to our digital editions for the term you have ordered. Once your order has been processed, and the issue is ready, you will receive an email from Zinio, our 3rd party digital provider letting you know your issue is ready for download.
If you have a Zinio account, simply click on the email link to take you to your Zinio library and start reading! If new to Zinio you will need to setup an account in order to initiate your digital library. Just follow the steps below.
Or you can wait until you receive your email from Zinio who will provide those instructions.
Contacting our Subscription Department
To order by phone, call TOLL-FREE at 1-800-263-5295.
(Mon-Fri 8 AM to 8 PM, Eastern time)
Or write to: Ski Canada, PO Box 819, Markham, ON L3P 8A2
If you have any questions or special requests, just email us at:
Ski Canada publishes 4 issues a year:
Issue | Publishing Month |
Buyer’s Guide Annual | September |
Fall | October |
December/January | November |
Winter | February |
Regular subscription rates
Canada: $20/year plus GST/HST
USA: $28/year (includes $8.00 postage)
Overseas: $44/year (includes $24.00 postage)
Annual newsstand cost: $30.96 plus GST/HST
YOUR SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED: If you’re ever dissatisfied with Ski Canada, you can request and receive a prompt refund for all unmailed issues.
Some common questions are addressed below:
Looking for your Ski Canada subscription number or expiry date?
The number above the name on the address label (just after “SKC”) is your subscription number; your expiry date is also shown on your label (for example, “BUY1920” means the last issue of your subscription is the “Buyer’s Guide 2020” issue).
Issues are prepared for mailing roughly 6 weeks before the “issue month,” so be sure to renew in plenty of time to avoid missing an issue.
Received a renewal reminder or invoice shortly after renewing or paying?
It can take 10 or 15 days for such mailings to be prepared and delivered to you. Because of this time-lag, we wait several weeks before reminding you.
But if you replied to one of our notices in the past two weeks, our letters may have crossed in the mail. If you would like to check that we received it, just log in here, or call our toll-free subscription line at 1-800-263-5295, or email Subscriber Services at
You can update your address online, or email us your old address as well as your new address. (Your subscription number—above your name on a mailing label from a recent issue—will be very helpful to us in locating your subscription record.) Because of our advance mailing schedule, please give us as much notice as possible.
Stopped receiving Ski Canada?
You can log in to check your subscription at any time.
One common reason why delivery might end unexpectedly is when your mail-forwarding order (with your post office) runs out several months after your move to a new address, but we still have your old mailing address on file. But it can also happen if we don’t know your apartment number, or for a variety of other such reasons.
Please check the address on a mailing label from a recent issue, and contact our Subscription Dept., letting us know which issue you last received.
We can either mail you the issues you missed, or extend your subscription—just send us an email to let us know which you prefer.
When will my subscription start?
Ski Canada publishes 4 issues a year, mostly in the few months leading up to ski season. If you’re subscribing for the first time during that period, you should receive your first issue within 3–6 weeks.
Most readers are particularly interested in receiving our current Buyer’s Guide so we usually send out that issue to anyone subscribing in the next few months after they were published, as long as we have enough copies.
If you subscribe during the summer months, of course, our next issue might take a little longer than six weeks, so we usually send out our Winter issue to new subscribers in the Springtime, so they don’t have to wait until the next Buyer’s Guide comes out.
Whatever the season, renewal orders always start with the first issue after expiry—assuming you don’t wait until the party’s over before renewing (in which case we’ll send you the issues you missed, if they’re still available).
Receiving duplicate copies?
If we received what appeared to be a new subscription order, but you had intended to renew your existing subscription, you may start receiving two copies of each issue. To prevent this, please try to enclose a mailing label with your order, or provide your subscription account number. [Of course, if you’re renewing online, or mailing in a renewal notice, a mailing label is unnecessary!]
If you have already started receiving duplicate copies, please send us both of the mailing labels (or email or phone us with the subscription numbers which appear on the line above the address on both labels). We’ll extend your subscription to compensate. (Note: This is one problem you cannot take care of by using our online Subscriber Service page, so contact us however it is most convenient for you.)