
Your Run – Fall 2013

Reading Time: 5 minutes Prairie favourites » I want to remind readers of a couple other ski areas that have ceased operations: Big Thunder in the Cypress Hills, Sask. Closed in the mid-’90s, it […]

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Your Run – Buyer’s Guide 2014

Reading Time: 6 minutes Ovaltine shaken, not stirred » Marty McLennan’s interview with John Eaves (“The Great Canadian Fall Guy,” December 2012) brought back some memories. My old neighbour and friend Mike Godfrey was […]

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Readers go head-to-head

Reading Time: 5 minutes   » I’m profoundly disappointed in the editorial about helmets in skiing and their newly mandated use on Nova Scotia’s slopes. (“Hard-headed in Nova Scotia,” First Tracks, Spring 2012) Mr. […]

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Your Run – Spring 2012

Reading Time: 4 minutes LEFT AND RIGHT. RIGHT? » I read your review of the Elan Amphibio with great interest (“Elan: Slovenian for common sense,” First Tracks, Winter 2011). But I have a question. When you accidentally […]

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Your Run – Winter 2012

Reading Time: 2 minutes   READY FOR WINTER » We were just in Mexico soaking up the sun and soaking up Ski Canada. We’re getting stoked for the season! We got home at 2:00 a.m. to […]

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Your Run – 40th Anniversary issue

Reading Time: 2 minutes SUNNY AND MILD » I read with interest George Koch’s column, “Mountain forecast: firings with periods of litigation,” Fall 2011. While we appreciate the author’s attempt to be even-handed in reporting on several dismissals […]

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Your Run – Fall 2011

Reading Time: 3 minutes HIGH AND HAUGHTY? » I’m assembling my decade-old boots and pants along with my five-year-old Völkls, while checking the rates at Le Motel Six as well as Le Super Huit […]

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Your Run – Buyer’s Guide 2012

Reading Time: 3 minutes LIVIN’ THE DREAM » Being a proud Mom gives me bragging rights about my littlest guy. My husband and I met in Banff many years ago, both wanting to ski […]

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Your Run, Spring 2011

Reading Time: 5 minutes The Weather According to George Ski Canada had a flood of letters following George Koch’s column attempting to debunk the science behind the global warming discussion. His column appeared in […]

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Your Run – Winter 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes YOUR RUN from Winter 2011 issue BOOMERS ROCK! » I liked Iain MacMillan’s online editorial “Slicing and dicing skiers” (E-Blast #4, November 2010). I think you are quite on the […]

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Your Run – Travel Guide 2011 – December 2010

Reading Time: 3 minutes Tears and fears » I’m so glad my mom doesn’t read you guys! She always worries about me backcountry skiing and that was the saddest story about climbing/ skiing K2 […]

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