10 More Things to Worry About


Reading Time: 3 minutes Hunkered down at the cottage during the summer I was bitten by a bat. In the neck. While I slept. Dodging all the vampire jokes on one of my seven […]

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Ready, Set, Go


Reading Time: 3 minutes For a few of us, the 2018-19 ski season has already begun; for most, there are still a lot of decisions to be made. But first, let me ask: How […]

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Own Your Own


Reading Time: 3 minutes “The whole ski area could be yours for less than a cabin at Whistler!” It happens often when I tell someone where I work. The brain-wheels start clicking, the eyes […]

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Are You Ready for Winter?


Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s been several years since I’ve prepared my annual pre-season quiz so for those who have forgotten the routine, I need you to find a comfortable chair, a bright light […]

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Return of the ski bum

Reading Time: 3 minutes Years ago I wrote something in The Globe and Mail about stuff skiers aren’t allowed to do anymore, and the many responses were pretty much unanimous with: “Yeah, when did […]

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Survival of the Fittest

Reading Time: 3 minutes For most of Ski Canada’s 40 years of publishing, the first issue of the season has always included the country’s most complete Gear Guide of new ski equipment. The keeners […]

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