Ski Canada Test 2019 On-Slope Reviews
Deviation calls The Ellipse an ATV because of its go-anywhere abilities. Like all the company’s skis, it features purple heart, a super-tough, dramatically coloured wood. Laid along the edges, and tapered from tip to tail, with more purple toward the ends and more ash and poplar underfoot, it’s torsionally rigid and beefs up the sidewalls. With a versatile 94mm waist, 15m turn radius and early rise in the tip and tail, the full-camber ski is ready to do it all. There’s enough float for powder and crust, enough pop and power for fun on packed snow, and plenty of sidecut and a nimble design for quick turning in the trees. Deviation offers lots of customization options, including three flex options: standard, pro and touring. (US$799; deviationusa.com)
US$799 * BEST FOR: Popping air, smearing and slashing in all terrain and conditions.
LENGTHS: 130, 152, 159, 165, 172, 180 * RADIUS: 15@172 * SIDECUT: 130/94/118
Playful came up again and again when it came to The Ellipse. Just about everyone who got on this ski from the small Portland, Oregon, brand noticed the poppy and smeary way it liked to be handled—oh, and also the awesome mountain graphic, a painting of Mt. Hood with the 2017 solar eclipse. “Forgiving and fun in the bumps. A user-friendly, all-mountain or freeride ski,” said Nick Boulding, an intermediate skier. Other testers also noticed how easy it was to ski in just about any conditions. Ryan Stuart found it comfortably transitioned to any terrain, turn or speed, though he and Paul LaPerriere agreed that at higher speeds it didn’t feel as stable. “Not a really technical or stiff ski,” said LaPerriere. “More just a cruise around the mountain in any conditions ski.”