Guest photo editor Blake Jorgenson
When asked to relate one of the hairier moments in his repertoire as a ski photographer, Blake Jorgenson, Ski Canada’s guest photo editor this issue, had no problem spilling.
“One that comes to mind is a trip to Mount Monarch, B.C., with John Chilton, Eric Pehota and Mitchell Scott. We landed a small ski plane at the apex of the glacier, but went too far and started sliding down the glacier—like a toboggan—toward giant seracs. The engine had stalled on landing because of the altitude and wouldn’t start. But just before we went sliding into a huge hole, the engine fired up and we flew over the ice—with moments to spare. All I remember was Pehota turning around and saying, ‘Whoa, that was a close one, eh!’
Aside from shooting all over the B.C.
backcountry, 36-year-old Jorgenson has skied
from Transylvania to Kashmir collecting award-winning
photos—and skiing the world. His sold-out
photography workshops take place several times
a year in Whistler with “as much emphasis placed
on inspiration as instruction.” Skiers who need
help with holiday snaps and handling their new
cameras, as well as those wanting to work with
pros who spend their days in front of or behind the
lens, might want to co-ordinate their next trip to
Whistler with Jorgenson’s schedule.
One of his favourite photos is first in the gallery,
while some of his favourites from colleagues follow.
For more inspiration, try
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