Some skiers think Revelstoke can be hard to reach with roads to and through town often covered in all that pesky snow. Most people fly into Kelowna and Kamloops two-and-a-half to three hours away, and the town’s tiny airport has no regular service. But that’s changing thanks to Everything Revelstoke. The local shuttle and tour company has partnered with Pacific Coastal Airlines to run charter flights between Vancouver and Revelstoke Mondays, Fridays and sometimes Sundays during the winter.
The one-hour flight is an adrenaline rush in itself, swooping through the mountains, banking toward the Columbia River and then dropping out of the sky to the Revelstoke Airport, just one km from the slopes. You’re greeted by a welcoming airport runway lined with six-metre-high snowbanks and a shuttle bus ready to drive passengers anywhere in town. First stop, Sutton Place Hotel at Revelstoke’s powdery base.
Starting January 4, flights depart Vancouver at noon, leaving time to ski on the day you arrive. $299 plus taxes. More at: everythingrevelstoke.com